Be part of the solution together: support each child to flourish
Build a consistent approach in your team - with shared strategies, fresh understanding and confidence
Find ways to move from chaos to calm
with access to revisit the course resources for 2 YEARS!
Printable course workbook
Take notes and pause for reflection in the printable course workbook, as you work through the course content. This workbook becomes a treasure to refer back to, and to use as a guide, over time.
4 tutorials and 7 videos
There's 3 hours of course tutorials and videos, to support you to rethink your approach to children's social and behavioural learning. Join Andrea in professional conversations with Sandi Phoenix and Narelle Dawson.
Learning checks & practical resources
Take advantage of the learning checks to check your understanding, and download the provided resources to support your new ideas and strategies.
What's included in the team package?
The service leader will receive TEAM SHARE as a practical tool for your team's learning journey, and to revisit, over the next 2 years. 'Team Share' is designed for the service leader to use the course videos and presentations to engage in shared professional learning and conversations, together in small groups and large team meetings.
TEAM SHARE provides access to the 11 course videos and tutorials for 2 years! Use of Team Share is for one service team, for up to 35 people.
PLUS FULL ONLINE COURSE: access for 2 years for 7 or more selected team members to receive all course resources, learning checks, and a course certificate on completion.
INCLUDES online reflection & consultation meeting for up to 12 leaders in your team. The aim of this meeting is to consider challenges, reflect on important new ideas for the team, and to make agreements for QIP goals and strategies.
Review of Behaviour Rethink Team Package
"Definitely a worthwhile investment for my entire team. This course has been a massive reminder that our job is about teaching/modeling empathy, self regulation (through example) friendships, sharing, respect and positive communication. I definitely recommend this course to be done as a team at meetings so you can brainstorm, reflect, discuss, and come up with solutions, strategies, and goals together. BRILLIANT!"
Nataly Dragojevic, BAC Early Learning Centre Service Leader
Course Facilitator and Contributors
Course creator and facilitator
Andrea Isitt
Andrea commenced studying early childhood development over 30 years ago, and this started a career focused on achieving best outcomes for children in Early Childhood. After several years working as a qualified educator and leader, Andrea co-founded First Door in 2012. Her passion as Company Director is driven by her desire to promote exceptional education and care for children.
Andrea promotes respectful practice that nurtures emotional security and a natural childhood. She is an avid researcher and shares views from Dr. Emmi Pikler and many leading Early Childhood theorists, play and learning ambassadors, and from current neuroscience research. Andrea has been influenced by her experience of Early Childhood Education in New Zealand, and by visiting Bush Kindys and Forest Kindergartens in Norway, California and Australia.
Course contributor
Sandi Phoenix
Sandi is the founding company director and principal facilitator at Phoenix Support. Her framework, The Phoenix Cups, have revolutionised how educators understand and work with children’s behaviour. First Door became a licensed Phoenix Cups affiliate in 2018 to incorporate and promote the Phoenix Cups, as a model for understanding behaviour relating to basic human life needs.
Sandi has contributed to Behaviour Rethink by engaging in video professional conversations with Andrea, and sharing some Phoenix Cups resources, in the first part of the course.
Course contributor
Clare Caro
Clare Caro is the founder of The Pikler Collection, Nature Play® (UK) and Authentic Learning Environment. As an ongoing learner, researcher and writer, her wealth of insightful knowledge is shared through her websites and in workshops. Clare embodies this knowledge and shares practical application through Nature Play groups, and in every day life and pedagogy with her own two daughters.
Andrea and Clare have enjoyed professional collaboration since their first meeting in London in 2016. Clare promotes the importance of respectful relationships, helpful language and educators co-regulating with children. She collaborated with Andrea on the 'Magnify or Meet behaviour' concept and resource in this course.
INCLUDES online reflection & consultation meeting
for up to 12 leaders in your team
Your lead educators, educational leader and service leader are invited to this online meeting, for 60 - 90 minutes with Andrea Isitt.
The aim of this meeting is to consider challenges, reflect on important new ideas for the team, and to make agreements for QIP goals and strategies.
This online meeting must be held within 6 months of team package purchase.
Team Learning Package investment options
Select the number of team members you would like to participate in the full online course, with access to course resources for 2 years.
Please NOTE: This investment also includes Team Share access to 11 course videos and presentations.
To register you will need to nominate the centre educational leader, manager, or director who will receive the team share access. This person will lead the professional learning within your team of up to 35 people, using the relevant topics from the 11 presentations and videos in this course.
Who receives a certificate to acknowledge the professional learning on course completion?
The selected people who are registered in the full online course receive a certificate, on completion of the course and its 4 learning checks.
How many people can register for the full online course access in one centre team?
The Team eLearning package has a minimum of 7 people required to register for single user access to the full online course,
Different pricing structures are listed below for various team sizes. If your team is larger than 35 people, please contact us for a quote.
Is the online course access transferable if the registered person leaves the team?
The online course access is provided to a single user only using their personal email address, and is strictly non-transferable to any other person/s.
How does this course promote quality improvement in the NQF?
Educators are encouraged to reflect on their interactions with children and the curriculum, and consider ways to improve practices throughout this course. They will deepen understanding of practices aligned with Belonging, Being & Becoming (EYLF) & National Quality Standard (NQS), in:
NQS QA1 Educational program and practice: 1.2.1 & 1.2.3
NQS QA6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities: 6.1 & 6.1.2
Are there options for First Door consultation in combination with this Team eLearning Package?
Yes, we're happy to discuss options for consultation with your team. Please contact us to discuss this further.
Am I able to arrange payment from an invoice instead of by credit card or PayPal?
Yes, please contact us or email: [email protected] to arrange an invoice. You will need to advise the number of people selected to complete the full online course, and the service leader's name and email for team share access.