Plan child-centred, inspired environments & curriculum - for more joy and learning

Create environments, routines, interactions, rituals and events with intention. Feel the difference, and maximise children's learning and development opportunities.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to 'Transforming the planning cycle: Plan inspired environments & curriculum'
    • Online course AGREEMENT OF USE
    • Before you begin - SHORT SURVEY
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    Course resources
    • Printable: Ideas, mindmap, notes and doodle pages
    • Printable: Pracademic Journal for critical reflection
    • Belonging, Being & Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework V2.0, 2022 | ACECQA
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    PART 1: Use information to inform the curriculum
    • Video: Using the EYLF, service philosophy & knowledge of the child to plan for learning | Bribie Island Community Kindy
    • Printable: Stages of planning cycle | EYLF, V.2.0, 2022
    • Printable: The apple & Learning Outcomes for children from EYLF - focus to nurture (printable)
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    PART 2: Plan the environment
    • TUTORIAL: Plan the environment intro - Intentionality
    • TUTORIAL: Plan the environment - Inclusive participation & equity: space and arrangement
    • TUTORIAL: Plan the environment - Diverse materials & loose parts
    • Loose Parts Play: A toolkit, by Theresa Casey & Juliet Robertson
    • Video: Environment & diverse materials | Kindergarten at Goodstart Red Hill
    • TUTORIAL: Plan the environment - collaborative learning, safety & challenge
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    PART 3: Plan the curriculum - Routines, interactions, rituals & events
    • TUTORIAL: Plan the curriculum intro - Interactions & routines (mealtimes)
    • TUTORIAL: Plan the curriculum - rituals and events
    • Video: Routines for self-help skills, autonomy and mastery | 18 - 24 months at Goodstart Red Hill
    • Slowing down and projects with pre-kindergarten children | Goodstart Red Hill
    • Video: Planning daily rhythm and program learning opportunities | Kindergarten at Goodstart Red Hill
    • Check your learning for PART 3: Design and implement the curriculum
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    PART 4: Evaluate teaching and learning to refine the curriculum
    • Video: Reflecting on the curriculum: teaching and learning | Bribie Island Community Kindy
    • Video: Engaging with children to support learning and co-construct meaning | Mt Gravatt Community Kindergarten
    • Evaluate teaching and learning | Mt Gravatt Community Kindergarten
    • Check your learning for PART 4. Evaluate teaching and learning to refine the curriculum
  • 7
    Next steps
    • Please provide your course feedback
    • Congrats! Here's where next...

Course Facilitators

Andrea Isitt & Carrie Rose

  • Andrea Isitt

    Course creator and facilitator

    Andrea Isitt

    Andrea commenced studying early childhood development over 30 years ago, and this started a career focused on achieving best outcomes for children in Early Childhood. After several years working as a qualified educator and leader, Andrea co-founded First Door in 2012. Her passion as Company Director is driven by her desire to promote exceptional education and care for children.

    Andrea promotes respectful practice that nurtures emotional security and a natural childhood. She is an avid researcher and shares views from Dr. Emmi Pikler and many leading Early Childhood theorists, play and learning ambassadors, and from current neuroscience research. Andrea has been influenced by her experience of Early Childhood Education in New Zealand, and by visiting Bush Kindys and Forest Kindergartens in Norway, California and Australia.

  • Carrie Rose

    Course co-facilitator

    Carrie Rose

    Carrie Rose is a qualified Early Childhood Teacher with over 30 years experience. She previously was the Approved Provider and Pedagogical Leader at Rosie’s Early Learning for almost 15 years (2008 – 2022). Rosie's Early Learning was rated EXCELLENT from ACECQA in 2016 and then a second time in 2019 under Carrie's leadership.

    Professionally Carrie has engaged in 2 study tours to the Schools of Reggio Emilia (Italy) in 2000 & 2012. Carrie has written and published articles and books sharing knowledge and experience of her early childhood journey.

    The ROSE Way planning framework was launched in 2019 and is a guiding framework for inquiry based pedagogy. Carrie is committed to the development of early childhood education in Australia, and is passionate about supporting early learning services and educators to raise the bar in quality, and in turn creating great outcomes for young children in Australia.

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Get me started on course launch date... 30/9/24!

Plan and evaluate the curriculum with inspired intention.

Create environments, routines, rituals, events and interactions that support children's active learning and development.