Transform documentation with fresh purpose, more joy and less overwhelm.

Join Andrea Isitt & Carrie Rose to reflect on 5 widely believed myths of documentation, that are draining educators' time and energy.

Explore how to collect, share and use meaningful and rewarding documentation.

Transform documentation with fresh purpose, more joy and less overwhelm.

Ongoing access to inspiring course resources

to use and revisit as much as you like

  • Learn from the best

    Join Andrea for professional conversations with Carrie Rose and Narelle Dawson, who have both led services rated 'Excellent' by ACECQA.

    See inside documentation approaches at Bribie Island Community Kindergarten.

  • Videos & tutorials for fresh thinking

    You have freedom to work at your own pace and revisit the learning in the video tutorials with Andrea Isitt & Carrie Rose.

    Our learning checks are designed to support clarity and consolidate your learning.

  • Printable resources and guided reflection topics

    See examples and templates to guide meaningful and rewarding documentation.

    Use each of the 8 guided reflection topics to examine current practice and consider your next steps for quality improvement.

See inside the course content

  • 1
    Welcome to 'Transforming documentation'
    • Video: Intro to Andrea Isitt & Carrie Rose
    • Online course AGREEMENT OF USE
    • Before you begin - SHORT SURVEY
  • 2
    Course resources
    • Printable: Ideas, mindmap, notes and doodle pages
    • Printable: Pracademic Journal for critical reflection
    • EYLF Practice: Assessment and evaluation for learning (one section only - pages 25 - 28) | EYLF V2.0, 2022
    • Printable: Unpacking the planning cycle | ACECQA
    • Guide to the National Quality Framework - Section 1 & QA 1 Educational Program and Practice
  • 3
    PART 1: The purpose of documentation and reflection of 5 myths
    • Video: The purpose of documentation | Andrea & Narelle at Bribie Island Community Kindy
    • Printable: Reflection tool - 5 myths of documentation
    • 5 Myths INTRO - Myth 1: Linking activities to Learning outcomes
    • Myth 2: Paparazzi documentation - taking & sharing of photos
    • Myth 3: Required quantity of documentation
    • Myth 4: Assumption assessment - from single moment & single view
    • Myth 5: Overuse of learning stories
    • Printable: Guidelines for documenting children's learning | ACECQA
    • Article: Documentation - what's the point? (evidence of children's learning) | Anne Stonehouse, ECA
    • Check your learning for Part 1: Collect information about children's learning and development
  • 4
    PART 2: Documentation methods and tools: for children's learning
    • TUTORIAL: Methods and tools for meaningful documentation for children's learning and development (part a)
    • Printable: Our emerging image of the child template (NQS 1.1.2)
    • TUTORIAL: Methods and tools for meaningful documentation - including group learning (part b)
    • Printable: The apple & Learning Outcomes for children from EYLF - focus to nurture
    • TUTORIAL: Writing a learning story
    • Sample learning story for Zora - Your big step...
    • Printable: Learning story guide template
    • Article: Photography with purpose - Meaningful photos in early childhood documentation | Early Childhood Australia
  • 5
    PART 3: Assess & interpret information on children's learning and development
    • TUTORIAL: Assess and interpret information on children's learning and development
    • Printable: Summative assessment template
    • Developmental milestones and the EYLF & NQS
    • Printable: Overview of theoretical perspectives - a tool for reflective practice
    • Check your learning for Part 3: Assess - Interpret information on children's learning and development
  • 6
    PART 4: Share and use information to inform practice
    • Video: Sharing information to inform practice | Andrea & Narelle at Bribie Island Community Kindy
    • NQS Quality Area 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and community
    • Video: Tools for project planning and evaluation | Goodstart Red Hill
    • Video: Documentation transformation at Goodstart Red Hill | Conversation with Renee Mitchell, Centre Director
    • Check your learning for Part 4: Share and use information to guide practice
  • 7
    Next steps
    • Please provide your course feedback
    • Congrats! Here's where next...

Course review

What educators say about this course:

  • Jess Beattie - Rated ★★★★★

    Extremely beneficial - Inspired knowledge and ideas to reflect on and improve how I collect, share, assess and use documentation.

    "This course has inspired me to think about my current practice and reflect on documentation moving forward. It is always a delight to listen to like minded people to inspire and provoke further professional development."

  • Rosalyn Sedger - Rated ★★★★★

    "My thoughts on our current program and documentation compared to where I now want it to be are so much clearer. I understand more what is really required of us, but also how much better for the children it will be when we take on board all the foundations of learning, not just what interests the child."

  • Alyce Chang-Chien - Rated ★★★★★

    "What I found most helpful was the "Paparazzi" documentation; this has been a focus of my teams for the past 3 months as we conduct our research project, so breaking this down and providing further strategies and thought-provoking questions would allow me to take this back to my team for further debate and discussions. However I found all the information refreshing on knowledge and understanding around documentation."

  • Dhanjeet Bhullar - Rated ★★★★★

    "This course provided invaluable insights into enhancing how we document children's learning and development."

Enjoy unlimited access to course inspiration, resources and tools

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Watch the course intro

with Andrea Isitt & Carrie Rose

Course Facilitators

Andrea Isitt & Carrie Rose

  • Andrea Isitt

    Course creator and facilitator

    Andrea Isitt

    Andrea commenced studying early childhood development over 30 years ago, and this started a career focused on achieving best outcomes for children in Early Childhood. After several years working as a qualified educator and leader, Andrea co-founded First Door in 2012. Her passion as Company Director is driven by her desire to promote exceptional education and care for children.

    Andrea promotes respectful practice that nurtures emotional security and a natural childhood. She is an avid researcher and shares views from Dr. Emmi Pikler and many leading Early Childhood theorists, play and learning ambassadors, and from current neuroscience research. Andrea has been influenced by her experience of Early Childhood Education in New Zealand, and by visiting Bush Kindys and Forest Kindergartens in Norway, California and Australia.

  • Carrie Rose

    Course co-facilitator

    Carrie Rose

    Carrie Rose is a qualified Early Childhood Teacher with over 30 years experience. She previously was the Approved Provider and Pedagogical Leader at Rosie’s Early Learning for almost 15 years (2008 – 2022). Rosie's Early Learning was rated EXCELLENT from ACECQA in 2016 and then a second time in 2019 under Carrie's leadership.

    Professionally Carrie has engaged in 2 study tours to the Schools of Reggio Emilia (Italy) in 2000 & 2012. Carrie has written and published articles and books sharing knowledge and experience of her early childhood journey.

    The ROSE Way planning framework was launched in 2019 and is a guiding framework for inquiry based pedagogy. Carrie is committed to the development of early childhood education in Australia, and is passionate about supporting early learning services and educators to raise the bar in quality, and in turn creating great outcomes for young children in Australia.

Reflect on the documentation myths that create overwhelm.

Bring fresh purpose and meaning to documentation and your role.