Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to team share for: Making mealtimes meaningful and nourishing
    • Meet Justine, your eLearning facilitator
    • Video: About First Door and why we do, what we do (2 minutes)
    • Team Share Package: AGREEMENT OF USE
  • 2
    PART 1: Promote wellbeing through nourishing and relaxed meal times
    • eLEARNING TUTORIAL: Promote wellbeing through nourishing and relaxed meal times
    • Meaningful mealtimes using children's agency and autonomy at Rothwell Kids Early Learning Centre
  • 3
    PART 2: Promote a nutritious and healthy lifestyle
    • eLEARNING TUTORIAL: Promote a nutritious and healthy lifestyle
  • 4
    PART 3: Food safety is crucial: is your service food safe?
    • eLEARNING TUTORIAL: Food safety is crucial: is your service food safe?
  • 5
    Next steps
    • Here's where next...
    • Video: An intro to eLearning courses with First Door
    • Preview video: Behaviour Rethink for Educators