Team Learning Package
Transform QA1 Educational program and practice
Dig deep into knowledge for inspired educational program and practice guided by NQS QA1.
See inside exceptional services rated Excellent by ACECQA.
Get the tools for your team and children to thrive
Change from the hectic pace of the Educational Program and pressure of documentation.
Reflect on current practices in NQS QA1 and explore slow pedagogy.
Grow in expertise and confidence as a team of educators, to support real and meaningful learning for children.
TRANSFORM PEDAGOGY - Inspire your team's heart, head and practice. Explore pedagogy and priorities, using fresh insights and critical reflection.
TRANSFORM DOCUMENTATION - Bring fresh purpose and meaning to documentation for more joy and learning. Reflect on the documentation myths that burden educators, and focus on useful documentation to share and support learning progress in the five outcomes..
TRANSFORM THE PLANNING CYCLE - Feel the difference with slow pedagogy, inspired environments and curriculum to maximise children's learning and development opportunities.
Tools for shared learning and reflection
Share the videos and tutorials from these three courses with your team:
What's included in the team package?
The service leader will receive TEAM SHARE as a practical tool for your team's learning journey, and to revisit, over the next 2 years.
'Team Share' is designed for the service leader to use the course videos and presentations to engage in shared professional learning and conversations, together in small groups and large team meetings.
TEAM SHARE provides access to ALL the course videos and presentations for 2 years! Use of Team Share is for one service team, for up to 35 people.
PLUS FULL ONLINE COURSE access for 2 years, for selected educators*. They receive all course resources, and complete the learning checks as they work through the course content. Each educator receives a course certificate on completion.
*Discounted team package pricing starts with at least 7 educators registering to complete the full online course.
INCLUDES online reflection & consultation meeting for up to 12 leaders in your team. The aim of this meeting is to consider challenges, reflect on important new ideas for the team, and to make agreements for QIP goals and strategies.
Team package pricing options
Includes use of all three included courses' videos and presentations, for shared learning and reflection with your whole service team!
Select the number of team members you would like to participate in the three full online courses, with access to course resources for 2 years.
7 people full course access
12 people full course access
18 - 35 ppl full course access
INCLUDES online reflection & consultation meeting
for up to 12 leaders in your team
The aim of this meeting is to consider challenges, reflect on important new ideas for the team, and to make agreements for QIP goals and strategies.
This online meeting must be held within 6 months of team package purchase.
![INCLUDES online reflection & consultation meeting INCLUDES online reflection & consultation meeting](
Course Facilitators and Contributors
Course creator and facilitator
Andrea Isitt
Andrea commenced studying early childhood development over 30 years ago, and this started a career focused on achieving best outcomes for children in Early Childhood. After several years working as a qualified educator and leader, Andrea co-founded First Door in 2012. Her passion as Company Director is driven by her desire to promote exceptional education and care for children. Andrea promotes respectful practice that nurtures emotional security and a natural childhood. She is an avid researcher and shares views from Dr. Emmi Pikler and many leading Early Childhood theorists, play and learning ambassadors, and from current neuroscience research. Andrea has been influenced by her experience of Early Childhood Education in New Zealand, and by visiting Bush Kindys and Forest Kindergartens in Norway, California and Australia.
Course contributor
Stephen Gallen
Stephen is a consultant and teacher who has over 30 years of roles and experience in Early Childhood Education and Care, with over 20 years as a contact educator/teacher. During this time, he has experienced all service types including long day care, in home care, school age care, primary school and kindergarten. Stephen has supported educators in their professional development since 1999, delivering a range of programs on behalf of providers including Gowrie, Workforce Council (PSC), TAFE and QUT. Stephen is currently the Director/ECT at Cawongla Play House, and has collaborated with Andrea to share practical examples of authentic learning, agency and social justice in action within the every day curriculum. Throughout this course, Stephen engages in professional conversations with Andrea sharing his inspiration from the Reggio Emilia approach, and his wealth of knowledge in relation to practical and theoretical perspectives. -
Course co-facilitator
Carrie Rose
Carrie Rose is a qualified Early Childhood Teacher with over 30 years experience. She previously was the Approved Provider and Pedagogical Leader at Rosie’s Early Learning for almost 15 years (2008 – 2022). Rosie's Early Learning was rated EXCELLENT from ACECQA in 2016 and then a second time in 2019 under Carrie's leadership. Professionally Carrie has engaged in 2 study tours to the Schools of Reggio Emilia (Italy) in 2000 & 2012. Carrie has written and published articles and books sharing knowledge and experience of her early childhood journey.
The ROSE Way planning framework was launched in 2019 and is a guiding framework for inquiry based pedagogy. Carrie is committed to the development of early childhood education in Australia, and is passionate about supporting early learning services and educators to raise the bar in quality, and in turn creating great outcomes for young children in Australia.